Lotomobil Gaming Policy

This agreement sets forth the binding terms and conditions for your participation in Lotomobil games. You must be 18 years or older and be physically located in Haiti to use Lotomobil services and collect winnings.

1. Terms and Conditions

  1. By visiting this website and/or by registering and/or using the Lotomobil App, and Lotomobil Services, you agree to be, and are, bound by these Terms, our Privacy Policy, the Terms and Conditions of our service providers (e.g. Sales Agent, Remittance Agent) and all such other terms and conditions, rules or policies as they relate to any applicable Services (e.g., rules for a particular Game (defined below)), promotions, bonuses, special offers or any other aspect of your use of the Services from time to time and are deemed to have accepted and understood all of the above.
  2. All of the terms and conditions, rules and policies referred to here shall be collectively referred to as the “Terms”.
  3. By accessing, using or otherwise participating on the Lotomobil Services, you accept and agree to be legally bound by these Terms, whether or not you sign-up as a member. It is important that you review these Terms regularly. We reserve the right to amend the Terms at any time, as may be required for a number of reasons. We may impose limits on certain features, activities, offers, promotions or services and may restrict, suspend, terminate your access to the Services or your ability to participate in activities, offers, promotions or Services, in whole or in part, at any time and for ny or no reason, with or without prior notice and without liability.

2. Pre-Conditions to Register with Lotomobil

  1. You are at least 18 years of age.
  2. You agree to provide accurate registration information and present accurate identification information
  3. You acknowledge that you are opening your own account with Lotomobil, and are acting as a principal and not as an agent on behalf of a third party. You acknowledge that you are opening and will maintain only one personal account
  4. You are entirely responsible for complying (and that you comply) with all applicable laws
  5. You agree not to use the Lotomobil Services outside of Haiti

3. Account Security

  1. Lotomobil will protect your Account information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. You are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of your Account. In particular, you agree to keep your PIN and password strictly confidential. You are responsible for any misuse of your password. You agree to maintain verification code sent by Lotomobil strictly confidential.
  2. Please contact us as soon as is possible if you have lost or forgotten your Account details. You agree to inform us as soon as is possible (by telephone, where possible) if you believe that your Account information is being misused by a third party so that we may suspend your Account to prevent further abuse.
  3. Lotomobil reserves the right to refuse to register you as an Account holder, either with or without cause. Lotomobil reserves the right to suspend or terminate your Account at any time, either with or without cause, upon notice (we will use our reasonable efforts to give such notice to you either before or after suspending or terminating your Account).

4. Placing bets

  1. Customers are allowed to place bets up to the maximum allowed per game subject to availability of points in their account.
  2. Lotomobil reserves the right to accept or decline any bet in whole or in part. No bet is valid until the customer has received notification that the bet is accepted. Each accepted bet will be assigned an individual transaction number Lotomobil reserves the right to void any bet if accepted in error after the betting has closed or at a stage where the customer could have an indication of the outcome. In such circumstances, we will normally return your bet.
  3. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that all of the details of their bets are correct. Once a bet has been confirmed by Lotomobil, that bet cannot be cancelled by the customer. All placed bets can be verified in the customer’s Balance under Transactions History.
  4. Lotomobil shall not be liable for any bet not being placed for any reason or you being disconnected from the Services, including, but not limited to, failure or disconnection of computer, telecommunications services, internet or otherwise, and the balance of your Account will at all times be as is recorded on our server.

5. Results

  1. Results will be published on the results page of the Application.

6. Purchasing Regular Points, Receiving Promotional Point, Receiving Royalty Points

  1. All bets are placed with points.
  2. Regular points can be purchased from any Lotomobil Wholesaler or Retailer
  3. Promotional points are granted by Lotomobil
  4. Royalty points are awarded by Lotomobil based on the betting activity of a sponsored customer.
  5. Lotomobil reserves the right to suspend any promotional activity and/or change the conditions under which Royalty points are granted, at any time and for any or no reason, with or without prior notice and without liability.

7. Remittances

  1. Winnings can be withdrawn at any Lotomobil Payment Partner location subject to minimum withdrawal rules
  2. The customer agrees to follow the Remittance process and present proper valid identification. You must be 18 years or older and be physically located in Haiti to use Lotomobil services and collect winnings.

8. Suspension or termination

  1. We may suspend or terminate your Account and/or cancel any bets placed by you at our absolute discretion if: We suspect that you:
    1. are engaging in illegal or fraudulent activity while using our Services;
    2. are breaching any term of these Terms;
    3. are taking unfair advantage over us or any other player or are otherwise acting in an unfair manner (for example, by exploiting a fault, loophole or error in our software, by collusion or by any other means);
  2. Irrespective of whether we suspend or terminate an Account and notwithstanding any other provisions in these Terms, we may decide to cancel or void any bets at our absolute discretion where:
    1. there is a technological failure; or
    2. where in our judgment, acting reasonably, there is a manifest error in the terms of a bet offered to, or placed by, any party.
  3. If you have a question relating to your Account, it is your responsibility to notify Lotomobil at the earliest opportunity, providing as much information as Lotomobil may require.
  4. Following termination or suspension of your account, we may, after investigation and in the normal course of business, return the purchase fee of any points or funds in your account.

9. Closure of Account

  1. Please contact our Customer Service if you wish to close your Account.

10. Hacking and Other Offenses & Systems Failure

  1. You warrant, represent and undertake that you shall not knowingly or negligently interrupt, corrupt or exploit for any purposes not intended by BIU any of the Services
  2. We reserve the right to pursue you for any loss we suffer as a result of any infringement by you. Further, please be aware that we may share your details with law enforcement authorities in the case of any criminal, or suspected criminal, activities by you.
  3. We may restrict your access to the Services, prohibit you from participating in any and/or all games, and/or prohibit you from playing in a particular game, refuse or limit any wager you make, withhold payment of your winnings, and suspend or terminate your Account in our absolute discretion without cause at any time, including, without limitation, if:
    1. There is a technological failure;
    2. We reasonably believe that you have breached any of these Terms;
    3. You attempt to manipulate or ascertain information concerning the Software code or are involved in collusion;
    4. You tamper or attempt to tamper with the Software in any way;